SSS.6.37 - CGS Hyperion and the Surgeon Scalpel Short Action 6.5 Creedmoor (Free Version)

CGS Hyperion on a Surgeon Scalpel Short Action 6.5 CM with 22-in Barrel

The Hyperion is designed by CGS Group. It is a 30 caliber centerfire rifle silencer, intended to suppress most cartridges with projectiles appropriately sized to travel through the bore, including 300 Norma Magnum. It has a 1.75-inch diameter and is 9.5 inches in length. The silencer is available as a 5/8”-24tpi 25-degree tapered direct-thread model that may also be used with Hyperion Thread Adapters. The adapters may be used for barrels with outer diameters less than 0.735 inches or for host weapons with other thread diameters and pitches, such as 1/2”-28tpi. The use of the adapters adds approximately 0.8 inches to the length of the silencer. The Hyperion core is constructed of Direct Metal Laser Sintered (DMLS, or “3D Printed”) heat treated 6AL4V (Grade 5) titanium. The front endcap is interchangeable and also constructed of Grade 5 titanium. The thread adapters are made of 17-4 stainless steel. The silencer weighs 15 ounces and the thread adapters weigh 1.6 ounces or 2 ounces (5/8”-24tpi or 1/2”-28tpi, respectively). The Hyperion can be obtained from Silencer Shop.

PEW Science is an independent private testing laboratory and also the world’s only publicly funded suppressed small arms research cooperative. Testing, data analysis, and reporting is generated with funding provided by PEW Science members. Any test data that is generated with any portion of private funding contains this disclosure. The testing and data production for this Sound Signature Review was funded in part by PEW Science Project PEW-CGS-006-001-20. Therefore, data pertaining to the Hyperion in this Sound Signature Review is published with the express written permission of CGS Group, LLC.

This review contains single-test results using the Hyperion direct-thread mounted on the Surgeon Scalpel Short Action rifle, chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor with a 22-inch barrel in an Accuracy International AXAICS chassis. Prime Ammo 130gr ammunition was used in the test.

Summary: When paired with the Surgeon Scalpel 22-inch 6.5 Creedmoor rifle in an AI AXAICS chassis and fired with Prime Ammo 130gr ammunition, the CGS Hyperion in the direct thread configuration achieved a Suppression Rating™ of 58.2 in PEW Science testing.

Test data for the CGS Hyperion with supersonic .308 on a 20-inch barrel can be found in Sound Signature Review 6.27.

6.37.1 CGS Hyperion Sound Signature Test Results

A summary of the principal Silencer Sound Standard performance metrics of the Hyperion is shown in Table 1. The data acquired 1.0 m (39.4 in) left of the muzzle is available for viewing to all. The data acquired 0.15 m (6 in) right of the shooter’s ear is only available to membership supporters of PEW Science and the Silencer Sound Standard. You can support PEW Science testing, research, and development with a membership, here. State-of-the-art firearm sound signature testing and research conducted by PEW Science is supported by readers like you.


Table 1. CGS Hyperion Sound Metric Summary SOUND SIGNATURES AT THE MUZZLE

Real sound pressure histories acquired with PEW-SOFT™ are shown below. The waveforms are not averaged, decimated, or filtered. The data acquisition rate used in all PEW Science testing is 1.0 MS/s (1 MHz). The peaks, shape, and time phasing (when the peaks occur in relation to absolute time and to each other) of these raw waveforms are the most accurate of any firearm silencer testing publicly available. PEW-SOFT data is acquired by PEW Science independent testing; the industry leader in silencer sound research. For more information, please consult the Silencer Sound Standard.

Figure 1 shows a 5.4 millisecond long portion of the first round sound pressure signature of the CGS Hyperion as measured 1.0 m left of the muzzle. There are five significant waveform features labeled:

  1. Firing system manipulation results in a peak amplitude of approximately 102.4 dB.

  2. The endcap exit event results in overpressure amplitude with a magnitude of 138.3 dB.

  3. The pressure expediently decays to 120.0 dB.

  4. Secondary jetting begins and reaches the highest peak overpressure amplitude with a magnitude of 139.9 dB.

  5. Latent jetting reaches a magnitude of 139.1 dB.

This is an atypical sequence observed when firing supersonic ammunition from a bolt-action rifle with an attached silencer that exhibits significant flow restriction (back pressure). The magnitude of the early time peak relative to that of the latent peaks is very significant, with expedient initial decay. Internal silencer design can significantly influence the measured timing and pressure amplitudes. Very similar waveform characteristics were noted in the supersonic .308 test of the Hyperion in Sound Signature Review 6.27. Comparisons of results from that previous test and this 6.5 Creedmoor test are presented in Section 6.37.2 of this review.

Fig 1. CGS Hyperion First Round Bolt Action Rifle Muzzle Sound Pressure Signature, 24-OCT-2020

As previously discussed in the aforementioned .308 supersonic test report of the Hyperion, the early-time waveform behavior can be viewed in context when considering the performance data of the Q Thunder Chicken in Sound Signature Review 6.20 and the Thunder Beast ULTRA 9 in Sound Signature Review 6.24. The Thunder Chicken and the ULTRA 9 are the only two other full-size center-fire rifle silencers, shown in PEW Science testing so far, to exhibit combined endcap exit and primary jetting peaks of significant magnitude and to then suppresses further jetting at or near the level of those initial peaks. The Hyperion is observed to provide expedient decay like the ULTRA 9, while keeping latent peaks almost lower than the initial peak in this test, like the Thunder Chicken. In the .308 test, the Hyperion did exhibit the same low latent peak behavior as the Thunder Chicken. However, it is very important to note that these combined performance characteristics (expedient decay and significantly suppressed latent peaks) remain unique to the Hyperion and no other silencer tested by PEW Science, to date, produces a sound signature that possess both of these attributes simultaneously.

Also as previously noted, early time peaks of significant magnitude are common in small (loud) silencers with extremely low back pressure such as the Dead Air Sandman-K (6.15) and the Rugged Radiant in its short configuration (6.12), but even with those small silencers, there is a decoupling of the end-cap exit event and the main flow. The Hyperion, Thunder Chicken, and ULTRA 9 remain the only centerfire rifle silencers to possess this unique early-time signature characteristic relative to their latent jetting. However, all three silencers have significantly different performance. Unlike the ULTRA 9 and Thunder Chicken, the Hyperion accomplishes the coupled exit and muzzle blast event with the aforementioned attributes; PEW Science postulates this is due to a combination of generous bore aperture and flow dynamics of the Hyperion Technology (see Section 6.37.3).

Closer views of the first peak of all shots (Fig 2a) and highest peak of the first shot (Fig 2b) are shown below. Figure 2a illustrates the unusually extreme consistency of the coupled bullet end-cap exit and jet event, between all 5 shots during the test. Note the consistency in both amplitude and wave shape which are captured accurately due to the sample rate and raw, unfiltered data stream from PEW-SOFT. Figure 2b shows points later in time during Shot 1 as the maximum sound pressure occurs from the primary combustion event. Note that the total timescale in Figure 2a is 0.25 milliseconds (250 microseconds) and the total timescale in Figure 2b is only 0.10 milliseconds (100 microseconds). PEW-SOFT provides a sampling point every microsecond and the individual data points are shown in Figure 2b to illustrate this.

Fig 2a. CGS Hyperion Bolt Action Rifle Muzzle Sound Pressure Early-Time Peaks, 24-OCT-2020

Fig 2b.CGS Hyperion Bolt Action Rifle Muzzle Sound Pressure Shot 1 Peak, 24-OCT-2020

The primary sound signature pressure histories for all 5 shots with the Hyperion are shown in Figure 3a. The sound signatures of Shot 1 and Shot 2 are shown in Figure 3b, in the regions of peak sound pressure. Note the same peak events are labeled for Shot 1 that were previously labeled in Figure 1. The real sound impulse (momentum transfer potential) histories from the same 5-shot test are shown in Figure 4a. In Figure 4b, a shorter timescale is shown comparing the impulse of Shot 1 to that of Shot 2 and Shot 3.

Fig 3a. CGS Hyperion Bolt Action Rifle Muzzle Sound Pressure Signature, 24-OCT-2020

Fig 3b. CGS Hyperion Bolt Action Rifle Muzzle Sound Pressure Signature, Short Time Window, 24-OCT-2020

Figure 4a. CGS Hyperion Bolt Action Rifle Muzzle Sound Impulse Signature, 24-OCT-2020

Figure 4b. CGS Hyperion Bolt Action Rifle Muzzle Sound Impulse Signature, Short Time Window, 24-OCT-2020

Unlike in the previous test of the Hyperion on the 20-inch .308 bolt action with the thread adapter, the CGS Hyperion does exhibit slightly perceptible first round pop (FRP) on this 22-inch 6.5 CM bolt action platform without the thread adapter, as noted in PEW Science inner ear response analysis. There is minor FRP in the pressure regime (Figure 3) as well as in the impulse regime (Figure 4). Although the impulse waveforms in Fig 4b indicate a higher impulse peak for Shot 1 than with Shot 2, in addition to a faster rise-time to peak after the impulse leaves the weapon system after a time of 30 ms, PEW Science inner ear modeling indicates a bystander may only perceive a minor difference in signature after the first shot is fired. This phenomenon was more pronounced in the .308 test with the muzzle adapter. This phenomenon was also noted in the Sound Signature Review of the Thunder Beast ULTRA 9, albeit with differences in impulse peak timing and shape.

Despite the lack of significant human FRP perception, the phenomenon is still measurable. The fastest rise-time to the greatest peak impulse is noted in Shot 1. This is typical, and indicative of the atmosphere within the silencer, which changes after the first shot. This measured impulse slope change after the first shot is always present.

PEW Science Note: This is the third time such behavior has been observed in PEW Science testing. As stated above, both the Hyperion and the Thunder Beast ULTRA 9 are also capable of masking FRP on supersonic .308. While the ULTRA 9 accomplishes this by keeping latent impulse below the initial first shot jet impulse accumulation amplitude, the CGS Hyperion accomplishes it by keeping all shots below an amplitude regime in which human perception is capable of properly differentiating signatures on a supersonic centerfire rifle host. As noted in the .308 test report, the Hyperion sound signature is of low enough amplitude that humans may not be able to easily differentiate the peak shot signature amplitudes from one shot to another on supersonic rifles. This type of FRP suppression, and the ability of silencers to mask FRP perception in this way, is the subject of future PEW Science research.

As typically indicated, first-round sound signatures always differ from subsequent shots, as the atmosphere within the silencer changes. The FRP phenomenon cannot always be shown by viewing only the peak sound pressure. This is one of the reasons why The Silencer Sound Standard requires examining multiple sound signature metrics. Ammunition consistency can play a role in the determination of FRP, however, the close examination of measured pressure and impulse waveforms typically excludes ammunition from the possible factors influencing true FRP, due to the relative consistency of most high quality factory ammunition. It is important to note, again, that PEW Science data indicates FRP may not be of practical concern for bystanders when using the Hyperion in the supersonic flow regime. The Hyperion is also significantly quieter than any centerfire rifle silencer shown in PEW Science Sound Signature Reviews in the supersonic flow regime, to date.

At the muzzle, the Suppression Rating of the Hyperion on this platform is approaching that of some subsonic 300 BLK ratings of some silencers. See the Rankings table in Section 7 of the Silencer Sound Standard for direct comparisons. At the shooter’s ear, the Suppression Rating of the Hyperion on this platform almost reaches that of the at-ear Suppression Rating of the Rugged Oculus in its full configuration on a semi-automatic .22LR pistol in Sound Signature Review 6.2. This supersonic rifle suppression performance is unprecedented in PEW Science testing, to date.

6.37.2 Suppression Rating Comparison (.308 and 6.5 Creedmoor)

The CGS Hyperion suppressor is intended to possess extremely high sound suppression performance. Figure 7 shows a performance comparison of the Hyperion on a 20-inch barrel bolt action rifle with supersonic .308 ammunition and the subject test data of the Hyperion on a 22-inch barrel bolt action rifle with supersonic 6.5 Creedmoor ammunition. Unsuppressed and suppressed Suppression Ratings are shown for both the shooter and bystanders.

Figure 7. Back Pressure And Suppression Rating Comparisons Of .308 Rifle Silencers Using PEW-SOFT Data

It should be noted that barrel length plays a role in both bullet uncorking pressure at the muzzle and distance from the silencer end-cap to the shooter’s ear. The influence of these two factors are illustrated in the unsuppressed Suppression Rating quantities shown in Figure 7, above. With the unsuppressed .308 bolt action rifle, the muzzle of the 20-inch barrel is not far enough away from the shooter’s head position to reduce the hearing risk when compared to someone located adjacent to the weapon muzzle. However, with an extra two inches of barrel length, the unsuppressed 6.5 Creedmoor bolt action rifle actually produces a less severe signature at the shooter’s head position than it does adjacent to the muzzle. While there may be other factors influencing this reduction in sound signature other than barrel length, such as differences in the 6.5 Creedmoor and .308 cartridge, barrel length is postulated to be the primary influence. Unsuppressed waveforms measured 1.0 m left of the weapon muzzle in both the pressure regime (Figure 8) and impulse regime (Figure 9) are presented below, for comparison. Note the extremely similar wave shapes from the two different weapon systems and ammunition types, but the lower amplitude of the unsuppressed 6.5 Creedmoor waveforms when compared to those of unsuppressed .308. Again, barrel length is postulated to be the primary factor that results in this difference.

Figure 8. Unsuppressed .308 Supersonic and 6.5 Creedmoor Supersonic Sound Pressure Comparison

Figure 9. Unsuppressed .308 Supersonic and 6.5 Creedmoor Supersonic Sound Impulse Comparison

When comparing the Suppression Rating at the muzzle between the two weapon platforms when suppressed with the CGS Hyperion, the signature of the Hyperion with the 22-in 6.5 Creedmoor rifle is moderately quieter than with the 20-in .308 rifle; this is again postulated to result from the difference in barrel lengths of the two platforms. However, it is important to note, the .308 evaluation of the Hyperion was conducted with the muzzle thread adapter in place; the use of this adapter may influence sound signature due to altered gas flow path. This has not yet been evaluated by PEW Science.

Comparisons of the suppressed first round and second round sound pressure signatures, measured 1.0 m left of the silencer end cap, are presented in Figure 10 and Figure 11, respectively. As previously presented, FRP signatures are typically higher amplitude than those of subsequent shots. The following observations can be made from these waveform comparisons:

  1. The amplitude differentials in the two suppressed sound impulse waveforms at approximately 30 ms are due to the difference in the weapon platform. The 6.5 CM short action in the rifle chassis host weapon emits a lower sound signature prior to the bullet existing the weapon system than does the .308 rifle host weapon.

  2. There is a longer delay to peak maximum positive phase impulse observed in the .308 sound signatures when compared to that of the 6.5 Creedmoor signatures, both in FRP and in subsequent shots. This wave shape difference is postulated to result from the muzzle device used in the .308 tests; the location of gas injection into the Hyperion differs between the two systems. Whether or not this results in different performance on the two platforms is the subject of future PEW Science research.

  3. The overall peak amplitudes of the waveforms are similar.

Figure 10. CGS Hyperion .308 Supersonic and 6.5 Creedmoor Supersonic First Round Sound Impulse Comparison

Figure 11. CGS Hyperion .308 Supersonic and 6.5 Creedmoor Supersonic Second Round Sound Impulse Comparison

At the shooter’s ear, the Suppression Rating differential is significantly more pronounced; as with the comparison of the unsuppressed at-ear Suppression Ratings, barrel length is postulated to be the primary driver in Suppression Rating reduction when moving from 20-inch .308 to 22-inch 6.5 Creedmoor. Again, it may be possible that there are other factors influencing the Suppression Rating differential, including the mounting scheme and cartridge dynamics. The influence of these factors is the subject of future PEW Science research.

6.37.3 Review Summary: CGS Hyperion on a Surgeon Scalpel Short Action 6.5 CM with 22-in Barrel

When paired with the Surgeon Scalpel 22-inch 6.5 Creedmoor rifle in an AI AXAICS chassis and fired with Prime Ammo 130gr ammunition, the CGS Hyperion in the direct thread configuration achieved a Suppression Rating™ of 58.2 in PEW Science testing.

PEW Science Subjective Opinion:

The CGS Hyperion is a full-size 30 caliber rifle silencer that possesses extreme sound signature suppression performance with high back pressure. The silencer has no perceptible first round pop and is significantly quieter than any rifle silencer shown in PEW Science Sound Signature Reviews in the supersonic flow regime, to date. The silencer, as tested, has a weight of 15 ounces, making it one of the lighter full-size .30 silencer systems on the market. Suppression performance of the Hyperion with 6.5 Creedmoor, like with supersonic .308, is extremely high.

The Hyperion exhibits advanced sound signature suppression and is the second centerfire rifle silencer tested by PEW Science that is postulated to almost completely mask human perception of first-round-pop, the other being the Thunder Beast ULTRA 9; a silencer with performance that has been eclipsed by that of the Hyperion. The Hyperion has a 1.75-inch diameter with a 9.5-inch length (8.9 inches added to the weapon system). Given the performance characteristics highlighted in this review, the Hyperion illustrates a possible upper bound of sound signature suppression performance for that length and diameter design envelope. As illustrated in this review, test data indicates that the muzzle adapter may be able to further delay gas injection into the Hyperion core; this highlights possible future performance enhancements without core modification. The core geometry of the Hyperion is unique.

The Hyperion is 1.6 ounces lighter than the Q Full Nelson and 1.5 ounces lighter than the Thunder Beast ULTRA 9 with flash hider. All three silencers are of comparable length, but the Hyperion’s supersonic suppression performance is not comparable; it is in a different class. This comparison, with two of the highest performing rifle silencers on the current market, illustrates the significance of the Hyperion Technology. Comparisons with lower performing full size titanium rifle silencers are even more significant. For example, the Hyperion possesses a Suppression Rating at the shooter’s ear over 10 points higher than the Dead Air Sandman-Ti in .308 testing. For perspective, that performance differential is greater than that between the Sandman-Ti and Sandman-S, or between the Sandman-S and the Sandman-K. The Hyperion has a Suppression Rating of above 50 at the ear with supersonic 7.62x51mm ammunition on a 20-inch barrel, which is a level of performance never before observed in PEW Science testing, and the 6.5 Creedmoor performance on a 22-inch barrel exceeds that. The Suppression Rating of almost 58 at the ear, observed in this test, is unprecedented. This level of sound signature suppression far eclipses that of many suppressed subsonic weapon platforms at the shooter’s head position, including some subsonic 300 BLK and .22LR platforms. This level of performance is highly atypical for a suppressed supersonic centerfire rifle platform.

It is important to note that the Suppression Rating is a measure of actual human inner ear response; this is true objective loudness. Sonic crack downrange and other late-time events, while audible, do not significantly contribute to hearing damage potential relative to early time close proximity events that possess higher amplitudes. Therefore, a higher Suppression Rating denotes an objectively quieter system to the human ear; this is synonymous with less hearing damage potential.

The internal baffle geometry of the Hyperion is patented and present in all CGS rifle silencers. The blast chamber immediately vents flow into two primary directions; a main axial flow path and a coaxial outer flow path. The utilization of the coaxial chamber is unique, in that main axial flow is introduced into existing coaxial flow approximately halfway forward of the blast baffle. In addition to this secondary flow introduction, the coaxial chamber may be vented to atmosphere at the forward section of the silencer by using a vented end-cap. An optional vented end-cap significantly changes the functionality of the silencer. It is important to note that the vented flow with the vented end-cap originates only from the coaxial chamber. PEW Science has not yet tested the Hyperion in the vented configuration as of the date of this review publication. Furthermore, the aforementioned muzzle adapter influence on performance merits further study.

The Hyperion is constructed of 3D printed titanium; continued research shows that the grain structure of DMLS produced titanium and other similarly produced alloy components can actually exhibit uniformity that is superior to that of traditionally produced alloy structures, which is the subject of continued research. Due to the gas flow path geometry which vents gas expediently to the outer annulus, coupled with the uniform construction and proprietary heat treat process, it is postulated that the Hyperion exhibits higher durability not typically characteristic of titanium silencers.

PEW Science has not yet evaluated and characterized the sound signature of the Hyperion on semi-automatic or automatic 5.56mm weapon systems. Those evaluations are forthcoming. PEW Science has evaluated other CGS silencers with the Hyperion Technology on 5.56 host weapons.

In this review, the Hyperion performance metrics depend upon suppressing a supersonic centerfire rifle cartridge; no easy task. PEW Science encourages the reader to remain vigilant with regard to all supersonic centerfire rifle suppression claims. The gas volume and combustion products created by the firing of the supersonic 6.5 Creedmoor cartridge are significant; the measured pressure and impulse magnitudes, and their durations, illustrate this fact.

The hearing damage potential of supersonic centerfire rifle use is significant. PEW Science encourages the reader to consider the Suppression Rating when deciding on an appropriate silencer and host weapon combination for their desired use.