Episode 249 - Otter Creek Labs Infinity Testing Technical Performance (26-FEB-2025)

Episode 249 - Otter Creek Labs Infinity Testing Technical Performance (26-FEB-2025)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.178 – the Otter Creek Labs Infinity on .308 bolt-action. New hybrid design silencer from OCL – two tests; both solid and vented 7.62 end caps. Technical discussion of the Infinity’s .308 performance.

    a. Intro and Infinity physical characteristics (00:07:34)

    b. Solid 7.62 end cap technical performance walkthrough (00:29:31)

    c. Vented 7.62 end cap technical performance walkthrough (00:36:58)

    d. Performance comparisons (00:45:44)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.179 – the Otter Creek Labs Infinity on the 5.56 standard untuned MK18. Three tests! Solid 5.56 end cap, vented 5.56 end cap, and the vented 7.62 end cap. Adjustable back pressure. Technical discussion of the Infinity’s 5.56 performance.

    a. Intro and Polonium and Infinity 5.56 semiauto behavior (00:49:43)

    b. Solid 5.56 end cap performance notes (01:11:15)

    c. Vented 5.56 end cap performance notes (01:13:10)

    d. Vented 7.62 end cap performance notes (01:15:26)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 248 - Otter Creek Labs Infinity Testing Intro (19-FEB-2025)

Episode 248 - Otter Creek Labs Infinity Testing Intro (19-FEB-2025)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.178 – the Otter Creek Labs Infinity on .308 bolt-action. New hybrid design silencer from OCL – two tests; both solid and vented 7.62 end caps. How does this technology perform with 7.62 NATO? Introductory discussion for this whitepaper published today. (00:09:35)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.179 – the Otter Creek Labs Infinity on the 5.56 standard untuned MK18. Three tests! Solid 5.56 end cap, vented 5.56 end cap, and the vented 7.62 end cap. Adjustable back pressure? Yes. How does each configuration perform? Introductory discussion for this lengthy study published today. (00:23:48)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 241 - LMT AT ION LT Tech and Merry Christmas! (18-DEC-2024)

Episode 241 - LMT AT ION LT Tech and Merry Christmas! (18-DEC-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.173 – LMT AT ION LT on the standard 556 MK18. Lewis Machine & Tool has an Advanced Technologies division. We have been working with them as their 3rd party performance validator during some of their system development. This is the technical discussion for the report published last week. (00:07:18)

  2. Merry Christmas! If we don’t speak again before next Wednesday, I hope your Christmas with your family and loved ones is wonderful, full of joy, great food, great company, amazing blessings, and is all you could have dreamed. This is the best time of year – spend it being thankful, reflect, and enjoy!!! Get out there and shoot a reindeer! (01:00:33)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 240 - Rugged Obsidian 9 Tech and LMT AT ION LT Intro (11-DEC-2024)

Episode 240 - Rugged Obsidian 9 Tech and LMT AT ION LT Intro (11-DEC-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.172 – Rugged Suppressors Obsidian 9 on the HK P30L. Long configuration AND short configuration. Two tests. Chances are, you have shot this. This is the technical discussion of the article published 27-NOV. (00:06:33)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.173 – LMT AT ION LT on the standard 556 MK18. Lewis Machine & Tool has an Advanced Technologies division. We have been working with them as their 3rd party performance validator during some of their system development. This is an introductory discussion for the ION LT report published today. (00:48:11)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 217 - Savage Arms AccuCan AC22 Tech Discussion and Host Variability (26-JUN-2024)

Episode 217 - Savage Arms AccuCan AC22 Tech Discussion and Host Variability (26-JUN-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.154 – The Savage Arms AccuCan AC22 on the CZ452 .22LR bolt-action. The performance of this simple monocore silencer is quite interesting! This is the technical discussion of the white paper published on the AC22 last week. (00:09:24)

  2. Host variability. Suppressed system performance depends upon the holistic system; which systems are the most susceptible to large performance swings, given user-changeable parameters? Well, the AR is one… (01:00:55)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 154 - Thunder Beast Dominus-SR on the MK18, 14.5 AR15, and Member Support (15-MAR-2023)

Episode 154 - Thunder Beast Dominus-SR on the MK18, 14.5 AR15, and Member Support (15-MAR-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.105 – the Thunder Beast Dominus-SR on the 5.56 MK18. This is the technical discussion of the article published on Sunday! Bonus case study with the Surefire SOCOM556-RC2, included for members. (00:07:29)

  2. 14.5-inch AR-15 Test Apparatus arriving soon! Is it quieter than the MK18? Probably – but also – you might not break your silencers as easily! (01:08:30)

  3. Huge thank you to PEW Science members – you made the most recent article possible. It took a village, and the team delivered. Getting a lot of offers to send silencers for testing – thank you for your generosity, support, and enthusiasm! Got feedback from several of you regarding your silencer use cases and expectations of silencer performance. (01:14:12)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology and Top Gun Range Houston!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 153 - Which Silencer is Right for You? Also - Listener Questions! (08-MAR-2023)

Episode 153 - Which Silencer is Right for You? Also - Listener Questions! (08-MAR-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Silencer Research – figuring out the silencer for you. Want to hear it in person? Experience shooting it? Might be a good idea! Combine data with experience; it can help! (00:08:55)

  2. Listener Questions – Deep into the 5th Solicitation. The way out is through! (00:34:36)

  3. PEW Science internal R&D – total signature reduction, and in different environments. Flash, reflections, team environments; there are a variety of factors that define a signature of a suppressed small arm weapon system. For which purposes are you reducing yours? (00:56:23)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology and Top Gun Range Houston!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 152 - KAC 5.56 QDC on the MK18 and 14.5 Midlength Progress! (01-MAR-2023)

Episode 152 - KAC 5.56 QDC on the MK18 and 14.5 Midlength Progress! (01-MAR-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.104 – the KAC 5.56 QDC on the 5.56 MK18. This is the technical discussion of the article published on Sunday! (00:07:20)

  2. The 14.5-inch midlength gas AR test uppers have been purchased. Now we wait! What, if any, predictions do you guys have for performance changes from the 10.3-inch MK18? (00:56:24)

  3. Folks seem to be using the data appropriately! Folks choosing silencers for their guns – sometimes they aren’t looking for the quietest stuff. But, they do know what their use cases are – that’s how looking at a silencer’s features, along with the Suppression Rating, can help! Big thanks to the members who make it all possible. (01:01:52)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology and Top Gun Range Houston!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 151 - 14.5-inch AR-15 5.56 Test Host Selection, Testing, and Quality People (22-FEB-2023)

Episode 151 - 14.5-inch AR-15 5.56 Test Host Selection, Testing, and Quality People (22-FEB-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. PEW Science testing with longer AR-15 barrels. Next up? 14.5-inch midlength gas. Simple? Absolutely not. Let’s talk about the factors influencing this host selection. (00:11:41)

  2. First quarter 2023 is swamped, but productive. Recent field-testing updates, current workload, and expectations. Hearing Protection Act? Probably not. (00:53:25)

  3. Shout out to Detective D. in Kansas – he is a LEO, a podcast listener, and follower of the effort. His daughter also made some patches to make fun of us enthusiasts and our night vision addictions, etc. Quality listeners, quality people, and heartfelt support. This is what the effort is all about – and we’re all learning together! (01:04:37)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology and Top Gun Range Houston!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 94 - Q Trash Panda on the MK18: Technical Discussion, and .45-70 (29-DEC-2021)

Episode 94 - Q Trash Panda on the MK18: Technical Discussion, and .45-70 (29-DEC-2021)

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.61 – The Q Trash Panda on the MK18; technical discussion. (00:09:24)

  2. That new build itch – getting that perfect handguard, gas system, and barrel length for your preferences – it can be really fun! (01:09:08)

  3. New test host selection. Big-bore silencers – 46 caliber. First on the agenda? .45-70. Let’s talk about it! (01:20:01)

  4. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Let’s move into this new year with great motivation for continued good data, learning, and industry advancement! To all PEW Science members – your support means the world. The largest public effort to fully characterize suppressed small arms continues! (01:28:36)

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Episode 49 - Richmond Tactical RT30Ti and the MK18 Test Host (10-FEB-2021)

Episode 49 - Richmond Tactical RT30Ti and the MK18 Test Host (10-FEB-2021)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.34Richmond Tactical RT30Ti on supersonic .308. (00:05:13)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.35 – the RT30Ti on subsonic 300BLK with the mini FIX. (00:31:03)

  3. Mk18 5.56 test host upper procured – decision points for PEW Science, and you! (00:41:25)

  4. Silencer test sample procurement updates. (01:02:53)

  5. Welcome to new PEW Science members and thanks for your support! (01:07:24)

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Episode 48 - QD Mounts, MK18, and Backpressure (03-FEB-2021)

Episode 48 - QD Mounts, MK18, and Backpressure (03-FEB-2021)

Today’s Topics:

  1. I’m getting the QD itch. What’s the coolest secondary retention rifle silencer mount? (00:06:04)

  2. New Sound Signature Review(s) coming this week? Why yes, there are. (00:36:04)

  3. MK18 5.56 test host procurement – obtaining one soon. For you! (00:41:41)

  4. More silencer mount backpressure discussions. Getting more user feedback. (01:03:04)

  5. Welcome to new PEW Science members and thanks for your support! (01:16:22)

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Episode 45 - SilencerCo Harvester, FRP, Hunting, AR15 (13-JAN-2021)

Episode 45 - SilencerCo Harvester,  FRP, Hunting, AR15 (13-JAN-2021)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.31 – the SilencerCo Harvester on supersonic .308. (00:08:50)

  2. First Round Pop – the killer of subsonic 300 BLK silencer performance. (00:45:06)

  3. Hunting silencers – what’s important to you? (00:52:58)

  4. Welcome to new PEW Science members. Thank you for your support, as always! And, future testing. (01:09:10)

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