Episode 252 - Echo Zulu Defense X1R556-Ti Testing Intro (19-MAR-2025)

Episode 252 - Echo Zulu Defense X1R556-Ti Testing Intro (19-MAR-2025)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.181 – the Echo Zulu Defense X1R556-Ti on the 5.56 standard untuned mid-gas 14.5-in barrel M4A1. Yet ANOTHER hybrid design? Yes. Now, are there levels to this? Also, yes. What happens when certain parameters are changed and slightly deviate from some core design principles? Introductory discussion for this whitepaper published with today’s episode. (00:06:24)

  2. PEW Science testing continues! The first quarter of 2025 has been very interesting; new hosts, new silencers, and all sort of things to show you. How far can the performance gauntlet take us? That’s literally what we are trying to determine! (00:22:21)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston,Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 251 - Centurion Arms Maximus-L Technical Discussion (13-MAR-2025)

Episode 251 - Centurion Arms Maximus-L Technical Discussion (13-MAR-2025)

Today’s Topic:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.180 – the Centurion Arms Maximus-L on the 5.56 standard untuned MK18. Another hybrid design, and another dedicated 5.56 model. This is the technical discussion for the report published last week.

    a. Introduction. (00:08:55)

    b. Metrics – what are they good for, anyway? (00:14:25)

    c. Maximus-L and the competition. (00:19:24)

    d. Report technical deep dive. (00:29:22)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 250 - Centurion Arms Maximus-L Testing Intro and Walther PPK-SD Update (05-MAR-2025)

Episode 250 - Centurion Arms Maximus-L Testing Intro and Walther PPK-SD Update (05-MAR-2025)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.180 – the Centurion Arms Maximus-L on the 5.56 standard untuned MK18. Oh, my goodness gracious. Yet another hybrid design on the market?! The humanity! Dedicated 5.56 model, Inconel, light weight…. Does it bring the performance? This is the introductory discussion for the report published today with this episode. (00:06:37)

  2. The Walther PPK-SD chambered in .32ACP. We got it back from RMA! What was fixed? Apparently, a common issue. No more light strikes! A quick update on this potential future test host and the slow progress of its proving ground. (00:28:57)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 249 - Otter Creek Labs Infinity Testing Technical Performance (26-FEB-2025)

Episode 249 - Otter Creek Labs Infinity Testing Technical Performance (26-FEB-2025)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.178 – the Otter Creek Labs Infinity on .308 bolt-action. New hybrid design silencer from OCL – two tests; both solid and vented 7.62 end caps. Technical discussion of the Infinity’s .308 performance.

    a. Intro and Infinity physical characteristics (00:07:34)

    b. Solid 7.62 end cap technical performance walkthrough (00:29:31)

    c. Vented 7.62 end cap technical performance walkthrough (00:36:58)

    d. Performance comparisons (00:45:44)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.179 – the Otter Creek Labs Infinity on the 5.56 standard untuned MK18. Three tests! Solid 5.56 end cap, vented 5.56 end cap, and the vented 7.62 end cap. Adjustable back pressure. Technical discussion of the Infinity’s 5.56 performance.

    a. Intro and Polonium and Infinity 5.56 semiauto behavior (00:49:43)

    b. Solid 5.56 end cap performance notes (01:11:15)

    c. Vented 5.56 end cap performance notes (01:13:10)

    d. Vented 7.62 end cap performance notes (01:15:26)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 248 - Otter Creek Labs Infinity Testing Intro (19-FEB-2025)

Episode 248 - Otter Creek Labs Infinity Testing Intro (19-FEB-2025)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.178 – the Otter Creek Labs Infinity on .308 bolt-action. New hybrid design silencer from OCL – two tests; both solid and vented 7.62 end caps. How does this technology perform with 7.62 NATO? Introductory discussion for this whitepaper published today. (00:09:35)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.179 – the Otter Creek Labs Infinity on the 5.56 standard untuned MK18. Three tests! Solid 5.56 end cap, vented 5.56 end cap, and the vented 7.62 end cap. Adjustable back pressure? Yes. How does each configuration perform? Introductory discussion for this lengthy study published today. (00:23:48)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 247 - Dead Air Mojave 9 Testing and PEW Science Technical Discussion (12-FEB-2025)

Episode 247 - Dead Air Mojave 9 Testing and PEW Science Technical Discussion (12-FEB-2025)

Today’s Topic:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.177 – the Dead Air Mojave 9 on the HK P30L. Long and short configuration. Triskelion baffle technology. Technical discussion covering the performance of this new hybrid design in the market. What makes the new 3D-printed Dead Air technology tick? Subtopic timestamps:

    a. Introduction: (00:06:42)

    b. Physical design characteristics: (00:09:48)

    c. Long configuration technical performance: (00:30:30)

    d. Short configuration technical performance and summary: (00:48:58)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 246 - Dead Air Mojave 9 Testing Intro and Listener Questions (05-FEB-2025)

Episode 246 - Dead Air Mojave 9 Testing Intro and Listener Questions (05-FEB-2025)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.177 – the Dead Air Mojave 9 on the HK P30L. Long and short configuration. Triskelion baffle technology. Another hybrid design in the market? You betcha! Highly requested research project and we went pretty deep! Find out what makes the new 3D-printed Dead Air technology tick in this latest whitepaper. This is the introductory discussion. (00:07:07)

  2. Listener Questions are back! It’s been a minute! We’ll dig back into the 7th solicitation and continue to address your queries. Sit back, relax, and let’s learn about silencers and silencer accessories! (00:25:26)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 245 - PEW Science PTR VENT Spiritus 556i Technical Discussion (29-JAN-2025)

Episode 245 - PEW Science PTR VENT Spiritus 556i Technical Discussion (29-JAN-2025)

Today’s Topics:

  1. PEW Science Rankings Table Refresh – easier to use? Maybe. More organized? Definitely. Color-coded risk metrics? Finally! Please check out the update if you haven’t. It’s in both the public and member Rankings sections. (00:07:35)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.175 – the PTR VENT Spiritus 556i on the standard 10.3-in MK18. The VENT series is back – this time in Inconel, a 6-in long package, and with an extremely advanced design. PTR military technology has trickled-down to consumers and it’s very interesting. Technical discussion of this report. (00:18:40)

  3. Sound Signature Review 6.176 – the PTR VENT Spiritus 556i on the standard 14.5-in M4A1RIII mid-gas system. Really amazing physical discovery in this test program! And, exceptional performance demonstration. Let’s talk about what you can expect when you lengthen your barrel with this silencer. Technical discussion of this second report. (00:55:55)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 244 - PTR VENT Spiritus 556i Testing Intro: MK18 and M4A1RIII (15-JAN-2025)

Episode 244 - PTR VENT Spiritus 556i Testing Intro: MK18 and M4A1RIII (15-JAN-2025)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.175 – the PTR VENT Spiritus 556i on the standard 10.3-in MK18. The VENT series is back – this time in Inconel, a 6-in long package, and with an extremely advanced design. PTR military technology has trickled-down to consumers and it’s very interesting. The shooter’s ear hazard reduction is wild. This is the introductory discussion for this technical report published today. (00:09:05)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.176 – the PTR VENT Spiritus 556i on the standard 14.5-in M4A1RIII mid-gas system. Really amazing physical discovery in this test program! And, exceptional performance demonstration. Let’s talk about what you can expect when you lengthen your barrel with this silencer. Introductory talk for the 2nd publication of today! (00:23:10)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 243 - B&T Station SIX 9 - PEW Science Full Technical Performance Analysis (08-JAN-2025)

Episode 243 - B&T Station SIX 9 - PEW Science Full Technical Performance Analysis (08-JAN-2025)

Today’s Topic:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.174 – B&T Station SIX 9 with the wiped SIX 9 silencer and the Training SIX 9 silencer. This is the technical discussion of the article published last week. Two silencers are featured in this test program. Subtopic timestamps:

    a. Topic intro (00:07:12)

    b. Station SIX 9 pistol operational overview (00:11:20)

    c. Wiped SIX 9 silencer physics and behavior (00:25:40)

    d. SIX 9 Training silencer performance (01:11:54)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 242 - B&T Station SIX 9 Wiped and Training Silencer Testing Intro (02-JAN-2025)

Episode 242 - B&T Station SIX 9 Wiped and Training Silencer Testing Intro (02-JAN-2025)

Today’s Topic:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.174 – B&T Station SIX 9 with the wiped SIX 9 silencer and the Training SIX 9 silencer. Kicking off 2025 with some B&T, as requested. Quiet? I mean, you be the judge, I guess. Old technology doesn’t create miracles all of a sudden. Maybe that is a good or handy axiom to kick off 2025. Introductory discussion for this extensive paper published today. All member funded! (00:08:37)

Happy New Year!

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 241 - LMT AT ION LT Tech and Merry Christmas! (18-DEC-2024)

Episode 241 - LMT AT ION LT Tech and Merry Christmas! (18-DEC-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.173 – LMT AT ION LT on the standard 556 MK18. Lewis Machine & Tool has an Advanced Technologies division. We have been working with them as their 3rd party performance validator during some of their system development. This is the technical discussion for the report published last week. (00:07:18)

  2. Merry Christmas! If we don’t speak again before next Wednesday, I hope your Christmas with your family and loved ones is wonderful, full of joy, great food, great company, amazing blessings, and is all you could have dreamed. This is the best time of year – spend it being thankful, reflect, and enjoy!!! Get out there and shoot a reindeer! (01:00:33)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 240 - Rugged Obsidian 9 Tech and LMT AT ION LT Intro (11-DEC-2024)

Episode 240 - Rugged Obsidian 9 Tech and LMT AT ION LT Intro (11-DEC-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.172 – Rugged Suppressors Obsidian 9 on the HK P30L. Long configuration AND short configuration. Two tests. Chances are, you have shot this. This is the technical discussion of the article published 27-NOV. (00:06:33)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.173 – LMT AT ION LT on the standard 556 MK18. Lewis Machine & Tool has an Advanced Technologies division. We have been working with them as their 3rd party performance validator during some of their system development. This is an introductory discussion for the ION LT report published today. (00:48:11)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 239 - Rugged Obsidian 9 Intro and Thanksgiving Thankfulness (27-NOV-2024)

Episode 239 - Rugged Obsidian 9 Intro and Thanksgiving Thankfulness (27-NOV-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Thanksgiving is almost here!!! What are you thankful for? Any particular silencer innovations to be thankful for? There may be some! (00:08:34)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.172 – Rugged Suppressors Obsidian 9 on the HK P30L. Long configuration AND short configuration. Two tests. Long awaited? Yes. Worth it? I mean, maybe. Chances are, you have shot this, so hopefully this gives you some good performance peg points! Introductory discussion for today’s publication. (00:30:29)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 238 - Liberty Precision Machine Anthem-S2 QD Technical Discussion (21-NOV-2024)

Episode 238 - Liberty Precision Machine Anthem-S2 QD Technical Discussion (21-NOV-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.170 – Liberty Precision Machine Anthem-S2 QD on .308 bolt-action. The new iteration of the Anthem series from LPM. Technical discussion of last week’s publication. (00:08:36)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.171 – Liberty Precision Machine Anthem-S2 QD again – this time with subsonic 300 BLK. You saw its titanium big brother, the Mach-L, last month. Do you lose much going shorter? Technical discussion of last week’s second publication. (00:32:08)

  3. I was on the Open Source Defense podcast! If you haven’t heard of that organization, they have a cool publication and newsletter you can check out! (00:55:42)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 237 - Liberty Precision Machine Anthem-S2 QD Testing Intro (13-NOV-2024)

Episode 237 - Liberty Precision Machine Anthem-S2 QD Testing Intro (13-NOV-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.170 – Liberty Precision Machine Anthem-S2 QD on .308 bolt-action. The new iteration of the Anthem / Mach series from LPM. Any improvements to note? Introductory discussion for today’s publication. (00:05:36)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.171 – Liberty Precision Machine Anthem-S2 QD again – this time with subsonic 300 BLK. You saw its titanium big brother, the Mach-L, last month. Do you lose much going shorter? You may be surprised! Introductory discussion for today’s second publication! (00:19:42)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 236 - Walther PPK-SD .32 ACP (7.65 mm) Suppressed Trials and Listener Questions (06-NOV-2024)

Episode 236 - Walther PPK-SD .32 ACP (7.65 mm) Suppressed Trials and Listener Questions (06-NOV-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Suppressing the Walther PPK SD in .32 ACP. Will it work? Examining our sample size of one, there appear to be caveats. Here’s a short update on our progress with the system so far. The quest to be James Bond continues… (00:14:22)

  2. Listener Questions are back! We’re taking a break from publications this week after a busy October. Let’s answer some of your queries from the 7th round. Be sure to follow the podcast page on Instagram to keep up with these solicitations! (00:50:54)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 235 - HUXWRX FLOW 556 Ti: Flow-Through Technical Performance (30-OCT-2024)

Episode 235 - HUXWRX FLOW 556 Ti: Flow-Through Technical Performance (30-OCT-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.167 – the HUXWRX FLOW 556 Ti on the standard 5.56 MK18 10.3-in SBR. You have seen the HX-QD series, FLOW 556K, and FLOW 762 Ti evaluated in the Standard. How does this newest full-size dedicated 5.56 model stack up? Technical discussion. (00:09:45)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.168 – the HUXWRX FLOW 556 Ti on the standard 5.56 M4A1RIII 14.5-in mid-length gas SBR. Does the performance of HUXWRX Flow-Through technology scale with longer barrels? Technical discussion. (01:11:42)

  3. Member Research Supplement 6.169 – Low Back Pressure 5.56 Silencer Performance - Flow-Through vs. SURGE BYPASS, PIP, and LBP. Head-to-head detailed comparisons. Who is the current king of the hill? Public discussion. (01:26:49)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 234 - Off Grid Trident and Operator Tech and HUXWRX FLOW 556 Ti Intro (24-OCT-2024)

Episode 234 - Off Grid Trident and Operator Tech and HUXWRX FLOW 556 Ti Intro (24-OCT-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.165 – the Off Grid Suppressors Trident Ti on .308 bolt action. Another silencer company moving into the space, and with DMLS models. How do these hybrid designs perform with bolt action systems? Technical Discussion. (00:10:39)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.166 – the Off Grid Suppressors Operator Ti on the standard 5.56 MK18 10.3-in SBR. This is a dedicated 5.56 unit; how does the hybrid technology behave with semiauto use? Technical Discussion. (00:37:38)

  3. Sound Signature Review 6.167 – the HUXWRX FLOW 556 Ti on the standard 5.56 MK18 10.3-in SBR. You have seen the HX-QD series, FLOW 556K, and FLOW 762 Ti evaluated in the Standard. How does this newest full-size dedicated 5.56 model stack up? Introductory discussion. (00:56:23)

  4. Sound Signature Review 6.168 – the HUXWRX FLOW 556 Ti on the standard 5.56 M4A1RIII 14.5-in mid-length gas SBR. Does the performance of HUXWRX Flow-Through technology scale with longer barrels? Introductory discussion. (01:04:56)

  5. Member Research Supplement 6.169 – Low Back Pressure 5.56 Silencer Performance - Flow-Through vs. SURGE BYPASS, PIP, and LBP. Head-to-head detailed comparisons. Who is the current king of the hill? Introductory discussion. (01:11:40)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 233 - Off Grid Suppressors Trident and Operator Intro and Listener Questions (16-OCT-2024)

Episode 233 - Off Grid Suppressors Trident and Operator Intro and Listener Questions (16-OCT-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.165 – the Off Grid Suppressors Trident Ti on .308 bolt action. Another silencer company moving into the space, and with DMLS models. How do these hybrid designs perform with bolt action systems? Introductory discussion to accompany the whitepaper published today. (00:09:03)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.166 – the Off Grid Suppressors Operator Ti on the standard 5.56 MK18 10.3-in SBR. This is a dedicated 5.56 unit; how does the hybrid technology behave with semiauto use? Intro discussion for the second whitepaper published today. (00:15:31)

  3. Listener Questions! Let’s continue with the 7th solicitation from Instagram. We certainly have more to go. Way over 500 questions and running! (00:23:56)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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