Episode 232 - LPM Mach-L Tech Discussion and Suppressing the Walther PPK SD .32 ACP (09-OCT-2024)

Episode 232 - LPM Mach-L Tech Discussion and Suppressing the Walther PPK SD .32 ACP (09-OCT-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.163 – the Liberty Precision Machine Mach-L on .308 bolt action. Check out how the updated Anthem 2 series technology performs in this titanium full-size adaptation. Technical discussion for the article published last week. (00:08:18)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.164 – the Liberty Precision Machine Mach-L on subsonic 300 BLK! How does the technology scale to this different combustion regime? Technical discussion to the second publication from last week. (00:44:48)

  3. The Walther PPK SD in .32 ACP; 7.65mm Browning. The one true caliber? I mean, maybe. Low recoil. Looks pretty. Historic. James Bond-esque. Can you suppress it? Sure. Tread carefully, though. (01:01:30)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 231 - CAT SC Technical Discussion and LPM Mach-L Intro (02-OCT-2024)

Episode 231 - CAT SC Technical Discussion and LPM Mach-L Intro (02-OCT-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.162 – the Combat Application Technologies CAT/SC/B1 on the HK P30L. Full power subsonic 9mm. Check out how the CAT SB-SHOCK technology performs in the modular CAT SC, in both long and short configurations, in the analytical test report white paper published last week. Technical discussion. (00:09:55)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.163 – the Liberty Precision Machine Mach-L on .308 bolt action. High performance? Oh yes. Evolved from the previous LPM tech? Also yes. Check out how the updated Anthem 2 series technology performs in this titanium full-size adaptation. Introductory discussion for the article published concurrently with this episode. (01:03:09)

  3. But wait – there’s more! Sound Signature Review 6.164 – the Liberty Precision Machine Mach-L on subsonic 300 BLK! How does the technology scale to this different combustion regime? Check out the article to find out! This is the introduction to the second publication accompanying this episode. (01:11:52)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 230 - CAT SC Introduction and Listener Questions (25-SEP-2024)

Episode 230 - CAT SC Introduction and Listener Questions (25-SEP-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.162 – the Combat Application Technologies CAT/SC/B1 on the HK P30L. Full power subsonic 9mm. There have been several pivotal moments in pistol suppression over the past few decades. This may be another. Check out how the CAT SB-SHOCK technology performs in the modular CAT SC, in both long and short configurations, in the analytical test report white paper published with today’s episode. Introductory discussion. (00:09:39)

  2. Listener Questions are back! Let’s head back into the 7th Solicitation and answer more of your queries. It has never been a better time to be a silencer consumer, in history. What types of things are you folks wondering about? (00:33:35)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 229 - PEW Science Savage AccuCan AC30 Technical Discussion (18-SEP-2024)

Episode 229 - PEW Science Savage AccuCan AC30 Technical Discussion (18-SEP-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.161 – the Savage Arms AccuCan AC30 with 7.62mm NATO. You first saw the AccuCan AC22. How does the monocore design scale up to 30 caliber, and what type of performance can you expect from this lightweight bolt-action silencer? This is the technical discussion for the paper published last week. (00:09:19)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 228 - PTR VENT 1 Tech Discussion and Savage AccuCan AC30 Intro (12-SEP-2024)

Episode 228 - PTR VENT 1 Tech Discussion and Savage AccuCan AC30 Intro (12-SEP-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.160 – the PTR VENT 1 with 7.62mm NATO. Purposely Induced Porosity (PIP). You saw it with 9mm… you saw it with 5.56. What happens when you tune it especially for this type of combustion regime? Technical discussion of the white paper published last week. (00:12:50)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.161 – the Savage Arms AccuCan AC30 with 7.62mm NATO. You first saw the AccuCan AC22. How does the monocore design scale up to 30 caliber, and what type of performance can you expect from this lightweight bolt-action silencer? This is the introductory discussion for the paper published concurrently with this episode. (01:25:24)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 227 - PEW Science CAT DD Tech Discussion and PTR VENT 1 Intro (04-SEP-2024)

Episode 227 - PEW Science CAT DD Tech Discussion and PTR VENT 1 Intro (04-SEP-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.159 – the Combat Application Technologies CAT/DD/A1 with 7.62mm NATO! A bolt-action evaluation of this “K” silencer intended for use on reciprocating weapons. This is the technical discussion for this white paper published last week. (00:09:06)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.160 – the PTR VENT 1 with 7.62mm NATO. Purposely Induced Porosity (PIP). You saw it with 9mm… you saw it with 5.56. What happens when you tune it especially for this type of combustion regime? Can this type of tech pay dividends? Buckle. Up. Introductory discussion for one of the wildest test reports you have ever seen. (00:44:32)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 226 - CAT DD Intro and PEW Science 7.62 NATO Research (28-AUG-2024)

Episode 226 - CAT DD Intro and PEW Science 7.62 NATO Research (28-AUG-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.159 – the Combat Application Technologies CAT/DD/A1 with 7.62mm NATO! A bolt-action evaluation of this “K” silencer intended for use on reciprocating weapons. How does it perform? What do we learn about its performance from this test program? Is there anything of note? Unusual performance, that’s for sure. This is the introductory discussion for this white paper published today with this episode! (00:08:25)

  2. More data and analysis coming very soon. Continuing to explore a single combustion regime – but with different use cases! “Soon,” perhaps we will move into really stretching our 7.62 NATO evaluations with more complex cases. (00:30:57)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 225 - Gemtech Neutron 7.62 Technical Discussion and Research Update (21-AUG-2024)

Episode 225 - Gemtech Neutron 7.62 Technical Discussion and Research Update (21-AUG-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.158 – the Gemtech Neutron 7.62 on .308 bolt-action! A lot of folks have used Gemtech silencers for many years. How does some of their newer technology perform, when compared to the large .308 performance pedigree in the Standard? Technical discussion for this white paper published last week. (00:09:40)

  2. PEW Science research progression update. What to expect in the near term? Get your hunting rifles ready for deer season, as well as your sidearms. Gonna be a mix! (00:51:17)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 224 - Gemtech Neutron 7.62 Introduction and Listener Questions (14-AUG-2024)

Episode 224 - Gemtech Neutron 7.62 Introduction and Listener Questions (14-AUG-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.158 – the Gemtech Neutron 7.62 on .308 bolt-action! A lot of folks have used Gemtech silencers for many years. How does some of their newer technology perform, when compared to the large .308 performance pedigree in the Standard? This is the introductory topic for this white paper published concurrently with this episode. (00:10:45)

  2. Listener Questions are back! It’s that time again! Welcome to the 7th Solicitation. We got a lot of great ones from you folks – so let’s take a stab at starting to answer them today! (00:32:57)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 223 - Surefire SOCOM762-MINI2 5.56 PEW Science Case Study Technical Discussion (07-AUG-2024)

Episode 223 - Surefire SOCOM762-MINI2 5.56 PEW Science Case Study Technical Discussion (07-AUG-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.157 – the Surefire SOCOM762-MINI2 on the MK18 5.56x45mm Short Barrel Automatic AR15 Rifle, with a comparison case study of Surefire Total Signature Reduction Technology. Can you use a 30-caliber silencer on 5.56 as expect good results? This is the technical discussion of the study published last week. (00:09:33)

    In-depth article walk-through begins (00:19:26)

    Other cases of performance variation, good and bad (00:38:12)

    Member case study and the 556-RC3 (00:45:33)

    5.56 Performance comparison with other silencers on the market (00:57:10)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 222 - Surefire SOCOM762-MINI2: 5.56 PEW Science Analysis and Case Study Intro (31-JUL-2024)

Episode 222 - Surefire SOCOM762-MINI2: 5.56 PEW Science Analysis and Case Study Intro (31-JUL-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.157 – the Surefire SOCOM762-MINI2 on the MK18 5.56x45mm Short Barrel Automatic AR15 Rifle, with a comparison case study of Surefire Total Signature Reduction Technology. Can you use a 30-caliber silencer on 5.56 as expect good results? How well does the Surefire technology scale when you change venting, volume, and bore size? The PEW Science research pedigree has the answers. This is the introductory discussion to this whitepaper published today, so let’s talk big picture. (00:08:43)

  2. Short topic – Are adjustable gas blocks bad? I mean, not really. Can they be? Yeah, sure. My kingdom for a compact, non-leaky block, with fine adjustments. (00:26:43)

Sponsored by - Silencer Shop, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, Capitol Armory, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 221 - PEW Science KAC 556 QDC/CRS-PRT, QDC/MCQ-PRT Technical Discussion (24-JUL-2024)

Episode 221 - PEW Science KAC 556 QDC/CRS-PRT, QDC/MCQ-PRT Technical Discussion (24-JUL-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.156 – KAC 556 QDC/CRS-PRT and 556-QDC/MCQ-PRT System Optimization: SR-15 Carbine MOD 2, CQB MOD 2, M4A1RIII, and MK18 5.56x45mm Short Barrel Automatic AR15 Rifles. Introducing the PEW Science KAC 556 PRT System Optimization Tool!

    16 test program. Let’s start off talking about the full size QDC/CRS-PRT first. Technical discussion. (00:06:05)

    Interactive tool use for Topic 1 (00:38:25)

  2. The other half of the PEW Science KAC 556 PRT study – the mini corn. Let’s talk about the QDC/MCQ-PRT. Small corn – does it give small performance? Yes and no. Technical discussion regarding this silencer. (00:51:30)

    Interactive tool use for Topic 2 (01:09:20)

  3. Overall comparisons. How does the KAC QDC PRT series stack up to the competition? (01:13:29)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 220 - PEW Science KAC 556 PRT System Optimization Tool Intro (17-JUL-2024)

Episode 220 - PEW Science KAC 556 PRT System Optimization Tool Intro (17-JUL-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.156 – KAC 556 QDC/CRS-PRT and 556-QDC/MCQ-PRT System Optimization: SR-15 Carbine MOD 2, CQB MOD 2, M4A1RIII, and MK18 5.56x45mm Short Barrel Automatic AR15 Rifles. Introducing the PEW Science KAC 556 PRT System Optimization Tool!

    In addition to the first fully-featured public interactive suppressed system optimization tool, this publication includes the following data, analysis, and content for your consumption, including testing with:

    1. Both full size and mini KAC 556 QDC silencers.

    2. Two muzzle devices (3-prong and MAMS).

    3. Four hosts (SR-15 Carbine MOD 2, CQB MOD 2, M4A1RIII, and MK18) – 16 tests, total.

    This one took a village! Thank you for your support! This is the introduction to this PEW Science Laboratory internal research program publication. (00:09:50)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 219 - FOR Systems Monarch 7.62 Technical Discussion (10-JUL-2024)

Episode 219 - FOR Systems Monarch 7.62 Technical Discussion (10-JUL-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.155 – The FOR Systems Monarch 7.62 on .308 bolt-action. Boy howdy…. DMLS continues to be interesting. Inconel? Yes. Low(er) backpressure? Yes. Performance? Apparently so! Let’s check out this very interesting silencer in this introductory discussion to the article published today! (00:08:14)

  2. Knee deep in the corn? Quite literally. KAC everywhere… and it’s not normal. We have been testing the daylights out of these PRT silencers and it’s been…… interesting. Just about every combination has been examined. The enthusiasts will certainly benefit! This is PEW Science funded internal research. (00:24:06)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 218 - FOR Systems Monarch 7.62 Intro and KAC PRT System Program Update (03-JUL-2024)

Episode 218 - FOR Systems Monarch 7.62 Intro and KAC PRT System Program Update (03-JUL-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.155 – The FOR Systems Monarch 7.62 on .308 bolt-action. Boy howdy…. DMLS continues to be interesting. Inconel? Yes. Low(er) backpressure? Yes. Performance? Apparently so! Let’s check out this very interesting silencer in this introductory discussion to the article published today! (00:08:14)

  2. Knee deep in the corn? Quite literally. KAC everywhere… and it’s not normal. We have been testing the daylights out of these PRT silencers and it’s been…… interesting. Just about every combination has been examined. The enthusiasts will certainly benefit! This is PEW Science funded internal research. (00:24:06)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 217 - Savage Arms AccuCan AC22 Tech Discussion and Host Variability (26-JUN-2024)

Episode 217 - Savage Arms AccuCan AC22 Tech Discussion and Host Variability (26-JUN-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.154 – The Savage Arms AccuCan AC22 on the CZ452 .22LR bolt-action. The performance of this simple monocore silencer is quite interesting! This is the technical discussion of the white paper published on the AC22 last week. (00:09:24)

  2. Host variability. Suppressed system performance depends upon the holistic system; which systems are the most susceptible to large performance swings, given user-changeable parameters? Well, the AR is one… (01:00:55)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 216 - Savage Arms AccuCan AC22 Intro and Silencer Cleaning Physics (19-JUN-2024)

Episode 216 - Savage Arms AccuCan AC22 Intro and Silencer Cleaning Physics (19-JUN-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.154 – The Savage Arms AccuCan AC22 on the CZ452 .22LR bolt-action. Oh my goodness, more rimfire. And oh my goodness….. it’s from Savage! Pretty exciting when a major firearm company gets into silencers. This is an introductory discussion for the technical white paper published today, with this episode. (00:13:34)

  2. Do you actually have to clean your silencers? Well, eventually, maybe. Why would it matter at all? Is it hard? It doesn’t have to be. We have received some questions from new silencer owners, so let’s go over some basics when it comes to basic silencer maintenance! Let’s talk about the technical reasons regarding why you would need to clean a silencer. This might be Part 1 of 2. (00:35:31)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 215 - SilencerCo Omega 9K Performance Technical Discussion (12-JUN-2024)

Episode 215 - SilencerCo Omega 9K Performance Technical Discussion (12-JUN-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.153 – The SilencerCo Omega 9K on the HK P30L. Pistol data and analysis is back! This is a technical discussion of the Omega 9K data and analysis, covering the white paper published last week. (00:10:45)

  2. PEW Science 101 topic prep – thank you for your feedback! If you haven’t e-mailed your feedback of what you want to hear on the episode, please do so. By popular demand, this reference will be used to assist folks with a “crash course” introduction to the research! Your feedback is appreciated. (00:58:06)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 214 - SilencerCo Omega 9K Intro and PEW Science 101 Questions (05-JUN-2024)

Episode 214 - SilencerCo Omega 9K Intro and PEW Science 101 Questions (05-JUN-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.153 – The SilencerCo Omega 9K on the HK P30L. Pistol data and analysis is back! A couple of years have gone by, but let’s revisit the venerable Omega 9K in this introductory discussion for this white paper published concurrently with this episode. (00:09:17)

  2. PEW Science 101 – by request. For first time consumers, enthusiasts, and the general public – what main topics would you love to see in a 101 episode? You folks have asked - this reference would be used to assist folks with a “crash course.” Your feedback is welcome, for its preparation. (00:33:11)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 213 - PEW Science Listener Questions - FRP, Materials, Durability, and Testing (30-MAY-2024)

Episode 213 - PEW Science Listener Questions - FRP, Materials, Durability, and Testing (30-MAY-2024)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Listener Questions are back! Will we finally finish the 6th solicitation? Will we surpass the 500-question mark on the podcast?! All signs point to definitely maybe. (00:07:31)

  2. Testing is difficult. Those that work in various experimental and research fields of engineering and other disciplines understand this first-hand. Overcoming adversity is also difficult. Nonetheless, we are excited to share that some great discoveries are occurring in the PEW Science research pedigree! (00:57:09)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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